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Jerky Jesse
Software Engineer.

Hubble Images a Classic Spiral

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image is a wonderfully detailed snapshot of the spiral galaxy NGC 3430 that lies 100 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo Minor.

From Intern to Astronaut

From left to right, NASA astronaut candidates Anil Menon, Deniz Burnham, and Marcos Berrios pose for a photograph in front of NASA’s Artemis I Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft at Launch Complex 39B at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sept. 2, 2022.

A Saturnian Summer

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of Saturn on July 4, 2020. Two of Saturn's icy moons are clearly visible in this exposure: Mimas at right, and Enceladus at bottom. This image is taken as part of the Outer Planets Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) project. OPAL is helping scientists understand the atmospheric dynamics and evolution of our solar system's gas giant planets. In Saturn's case, astronomers continue tracking shifting weather patterns and storms.

Blue Chip Dividend Stocks.

AT&T (T) - 6.97%

Exxon Mobil (XOM) - 6.53%

IBM (IBM) - 5.94%

3M Company (MMM) - 5.65%

Broadcom (AVGO) - 5.62%

Pfizer (PFE) - 5.55%

Coca-Cola (KO) - 5.29%

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) - 5.25%

Procter & Gamble (PG) - 5.22%

Merck & Co (MRK) - 5.18%

Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY) - 5.12%

Texas Instruments (TXN) - 5.08%

Intel (INTC) - 5.03%

Honeywell International (HON) - 4.96%

United Parcel Service (UPS) - 4.92%

McDonald's (MCD) - 4.88%

Home Depot (HD) - 4.82%

Nike (NKE) - 4.79%

Oracle (ORCL) - 4.76%

Qualcomm (QCOM) - 4.73%

Walmart (WMT) - 4.70%

Caterpillar (CAT) - 4.58%

Morgan Stanley (MS) - 4.52%

Visa (V) - 4.50%

Apple (AAPL) - 4.44%

Goldman Sachs (GS) - 4.41%

Walt Disney (DIS) - 4.38%

Microsoft (MSFT) - 4.23%


Astronaut Eileen Collins, NASA’s First Female Shuttle Commander

Astronauts Eileen M. Collins, STS-93 mission commander, and Jeffrey S. Ashby, pilot, peruse checklists on Columbia's middeck. via NASA

Chandra Sees the Peacock’s Galaxy

The barred spiral galaxy NGC 6872 is interacting with a smaller galaxy to the upper left. The smaller galaxy has likely stripped gas from NGC 6872 to feed the supermassive black hole in its center. via NASA

Explorers on the Moon: Apollo 11 Landing

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, lunar module pilot, poses for a photo beside the U.S. flag that has been placed on the Moon at Tranquility Base during the Apollo 11 mission landing on July 20, 1969. via NASA

How To Make A Simple X (formerly Twitter) Bot For Free.

Creating a bot for X (formerly Twitter) using can be an exciting project that automates tasks and engages with users in innovative ways. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you build your own X bot.

Step 1: Set Up Your X Developer Account

Before you start, you need an X Developer account. Go to the X Developer website and sign up for a free account. Describe your use cases for and submit your application.

Step 2: Create a Custom Application

Once you have your developer account, create a custom application to obtain your client credentials. You’ll need these for to interact with X.

Step 3: Establish Connection with Make

Log in to Make and add an X module to your scenario. Use the client credentials from your X app to establish a connection.

Full tutorial on connecting twitter from 

Step 4: Design Your Bot’s Workflow

Decide what your bot will do. Will it post content, respond to users, or perform analytics? Use Make’s visual editor to design your workflow, selecting triggers, actions, and searches, hundreds of available apps means there's unlimited ways to customize your bot my solution is rather simple but more templates and ideas can be found on

An example of my X (formerly Twitter) bots workflow (see picture below).

Module 1: Watches a folder in Google Drive for updates. (I have a different bot saving my tweets in a txt file in Google Drive.)

Module 2: Downloads the txt file containing my tweet.

Module 3: Sends the tweet.

Step 5: Program Your Bot

You can program your bot to perform various tasks such as creating posts, managing direct messages, or analyzing data. provides a no-code interface, but you can also use code for complex logic.

Step 6: Test and Deploy

Test your bot to ensure it behaves as expected.

Step 7: Monitor and Update

Keep an eye on your bot’s performance and user interactions. Use feedback to make improvements and update your bot’s workflow as needed.

Remember, while bots can be powerful tools, they should be used responsibly, adhering to X’s guidelines and respecting user privacy.

This article provides a starting point for creating your X bot. With creativity and careful planning, your bot can become a valuable asset on the X platform.


How to Prompt AI

Prompting an AI effectively is crucial for obtaining the best results. Whether you’re using AI for creative writing, data analysis, or problem-solving, the way you communicate with it can significantly impact its performance. Here are some tips on how to prompt AI properly:

  1. Be Specific: Clearly define what you need from the AI. If you’re too vague, the AI might not understand the context or the specific outcome you’re expecting.

  2. Provide Context: Give the AI enough information about the task at hand. If the AI has a background on the subject, it can generate more accurate and relevant responses.

  3. Use Simple Language: While AI can understand complex sentences, keeping your prompts simple and straightforward can prevent misunderstandings.

  4. Sequence Your Questions: If you have multiple questions, ask them in a logical order. This helps the AI follow your train of thought and provide coherent responses.

  5. Be Patient: AI might need a moment to process your request, especially if it’s complex or requires creative thinking. Don’t rush it.

  6. Provide Examples: If you’re looking for a specific style or format, provide examples. This will guide the AI in generating content that meets your expectations.

  7. Use Closed-Ended Questions for Specifics: If you need a precise answer, ask a closed-ended question. This prompts the AI to give you a direct response rather than a broad explanation.

  8. Open-Ended Questions for Exploration: When you want the AI to explore a topic or generate ideas, use open-ended questions. This gives the AI the freedom to be more creative and expansive in its responses.

  9. Feedback is Key: Provide feedback on the AI’s responses. This helps the AI learn and improve for future prompts.

  10. Understand the AI’s Limitations: Recognize that AI has limitations and might not always provide the perfect answer. It’s a tool to assist you, not a replacement for human judgment.

By following these guidelines, you can enhance your interactions with AI and leverage its capabilities to the fullest. Remember, the quality of the input often determines the quality of the output, so taking the time to craft your prompts carefully can lead to better results and a more efficient workflow.


FFMPEG Commands List

Loop Commands

  1. for %i in (*.*) do ffmpeg -n -threads 1 -i "%i" -vcodec libx265 -acodec copy "%~ni_2.mp4" This command loops over all files in the current directory and uses ffmpeg to convert each file to an MP4 file with the H.265 (libx265) video codec, while keeping the original audio codec. The output files have the same name as the input files with _2.mp4 appended.
  2. for %i in (*.*) do ffmpeg -n -threads 1 -i "%i" -vf crop='iw-mod(iw,2)':'ih-mod(ih,2)' -vcodec libx265 -acodec copy "%~ni_2.mp4" This command is similar to the previous one, but it also crops the input video to make its width and height divisible by 2. This is useful for codecs that require even dimensions.
  3. for %i in (*.*) do ffmpeg -n -i "%i" -vcodec hevc_nvenc -preset slow -acodec copy "%~ni_2.mp4" This command converts each file in the current directory to an MP4 file using the HEVC (hevc_nvenc) codec with a slow preset, which provides a better compression rate but takes more time.
  4. for /r %a in (*.mp4) do ffmpeg -n -i "%~a" -vcodec hevc_nvenc -preset slow -acodec copy "%~dpna_2.mp4" This command is similar to the previous one, but it operates recursively on all MP4 files in the current directory and its subdirectories.

Non-loop Commands

  1. ffmpeg -r 24 -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -i pic%d.png -vcodec libx264 test.mp4 This command generates a 24 fps MP4 video from a sequence of PNG images named pic0.png, pic1.png, etc. The video resolution is 1920x1080 and the video codec is H.264 (libx264).
  2. ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -i input.mp4 output.mp4 This command adds an MP3 audio track to an MP4 video. The output is an MP4 file with the original video and the added audio.
  3. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi This command converts an MP4 video to an AVI video. The codecs of the output video will be chosen based on the AVI format.
  4. ffmpeg -r 24 -i pic%d.png output.gif This command generates a 24 fps GIF from a sequence of PNG images.
  5. ffmpeg -i output.mp4 image.gif This command converts an MP4 video to a GIF.
  6. ffmpeg -ss 00:00:0.0 -i input.mp4 -c copy -t 00:01:29.0 output.mp4 This command extracts a segment from an MP4 video without re-encoding. The segment starts at the beginning of the video and lasts for 1 minute and 29 seconds.
  7. ffmpeg -i output.mp4 audio.mp3 This command extracts the audio track from an MP4 video and saves it as an MP3 file.
  8. ffmpeg -loop 1 -f image2 -i flower.jpg -i input.mp3 -vf crop=in_w:in_w*9/16,scale=1920:1080,fps=30 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -shortest output.mp4 This command creates a video with a single image and an audio track. The image is looped to match the duration of the audio. The video has a resolution of 1920x1080 and a frame rate of 30 fps. The video codec is H.264 (libx264).
  9. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy output.mkv This command converts an MP4 video to an MKV video without re-encoding.
  10. ffmpeg -stream_loop 5 -i input.mkv -c copy output.mp4 This command loops an MKV video 5 times and outputs an MP4 video.
  11. ffmpeg -i inputs.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:32:18 -async 1 cut.mp4 This command extracts a 32-minute and 18-second segment from the beginning of an MP4 video.
  12. ffmpeg -r 60 -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -start_number 1 -i %d.png -vframes 1440 -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 This command generates a 60 fps MP4 video from 1440 PNG images. The video resolution is 1920x1080 and the video codec is H.264 (libx264).
  13. ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i input.mkv -c copy -t 13:32:00 output.mkv This command extracts a 13-hour and 32-minute segment from the beginning of an MKV video without re-encoding.
  14. ffmpeg -y -r 16 -f image2 -s 1080x1920 -i %d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p "output.mp4" This command generates a 16 fps MP4 video from a sequence of PNG images. The video resolution is 1080x1920 and the video codec is H.264 (libx264).
  15. ffmpeg -r 60 -i %d.png output.gif This command generates a 60 fps GIF from a sequence of PNG images.

Video Speed Commands

  1. ffmpeg -i input.mkv -filter_complex "[0:v]setpts=<1/x>*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=<x>[a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" output.mkv This command changes the speed of an MKV video. The <1/x> and <x> should be replaced with the desired speed factor. For example, to double the speed, use 0.5 and 2.0 respectively.

Rename or Change Extension Commands

  1. ren *.mp4 *.avi This command renames all MP4 files in the current directory to AVI files. It only changes the file extensions, not the file formats.
  2. $i = 0; Get-ChildItem "*.png" | foreach-object {Rename-Item $_ "$($i.ToString('D4')).png"; $i++} This PowerShell command renames all PNG files in the current directory to 0000.png, 0001.png, etc.
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